Friday, February 19, 2010

Standard Invitation Wording Birthday What Is Standard Procedure For A Post- Destination Wedding Reception?

What is standard procedure for a post- destination wedding reception? - standard invitation wording birthday

I'm confused, what is a standard procedure for when you have to follow a destination wedding and a reception at the residence. What should be the calendar?
I was thinking of making the house after 4-5 months of marriage, it would be in the summer and the weather is good, but then I would suggest that everyone will think it was funny. But while I was on a website, invitations wording, destination etc and they all said something to the effect had married the Bride & Groom in the date, time and place. If You Please Come and celebrate with a reception ... blah, blah "
It made me think how I can send an invitation for a reception after the wedding, which follows closely with the wedding, but still there are results in time to participate? This makes no sense to me!
Please give me your thoughts

1 comment:

  1. Most of the events of the post-wedding, I was invited, appears 1-2 months after a traveler returns from his honeymoon. Written for the wedding invitations will be sent 4-6 weeks before the deadline. This can be explained simply by your invitations will be done at the reception before his wedding and have a family member or a friend e-mail outside their having their ceremony while you're still on their honeymoon.

    You can always your wedding in 4-5 months if it would be best for you. But it would be to send wedding announcements even after his marriage to a backup of the date of commencement of the wedding. We (an e-mail a family member had our listing immediately after the ceremony.) You can then follow the notification / Save the Date wa formal wedding invitation after receiving 4 weeks before the deadline.
